Thursday, December 29, 2011

Better Than a Sale

We have all been battling the high metals markets. They are as bad for Freshmans as they are for you. Our costs go up as well. Metal prices at Freshmans change each day according to London PM spot price. Today that spot price is $26.16 which means all silver sheet, wire, casting grain, silver charms and the tray of silver estate jewelry has taken a plunge compared to the $40.00 market of September. Real savings we are happy to pass on, even though it hurts.

Click this link to see our selection of silver products along with their current prices.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Imagine if you will...

...Shopping the day of Christmas Eve, with no lousy music, no fighting for parking spaces, no lines of people grumbling and waiting to explode.

We're here until 3 today and I promise you won't hear "Last Christmas" playing and you won't have to fight someone in a Ford Expedition for a parking space. I'll even throw in a goody if you check in on Foursquare, Yelp, or Facebook when you're here.